Overall Mandate:

The Department of Information and Communication is responsible for directing and safeguarding the information and data integrity of the organization and its departments including all information centers, service centers, help desks, communication networks (voice and data), computer program development, and computer systems operations.

Key Functions of Department and Sections

Report to the DG of the MoES/ where appropriate to the Minister/Vice-Minister
Act as the official spokesperson of the ministry and represent it of all external and internal relations and communications.
Assume the overall responsibility of the management of the department
Supervise the section heads and provide support to them where appropriate
Carry out Quarterly Performance Assessment on section heads and produce PA report of each section head with recommendations of areas of performance improvement.
Keep records of details of section heads (personal information, education levels, pay, performance reports, and attendance/sickness/leave records)
Approve leave/sick notes of section heads/ Approve requisitions for procurements/ Approve requisitions for payments/timesheets
Hold weekly meetings with section head and participate in the bi-weekly meetings the Directors
Prepare Quarterly reports on the activities of the department.