Key Policy Objectives of the ESSP 2017-2021
The background of the education sector, the methodology for developing the ESSP, and an analysis of the current situation of the education sector in Somaliland. Chapter 3 provides the core and key policy objectives of the ESSP, 2017-2021, identified during the national development planning process and are outlined in the National Development Plans, in the National Education Policy 2017, and in the Constitution of Somaliland. These priorities and objectives form the foundation for determining a more focused ESSP.
Seven key policy objectives were identified during a consultative process, and are broken down into objectives that have measurable indicators and are designed to successfully deliver against each objective. These will be monitored during the lifetime of the five-year plan and provide information about the success of policy objectives so that they can be adjusted if results are not being achieved in a timely manner. These Policy Objectives are outlined as follows, and discussed in more details are aligned with the thematic subsectors in the subsequent chapters:
Policy Objective 1: To increase and expand access to education
Policy Objective 2: To improve the quality of learning outcomes
Policy Objective 3: To promote equity and inclusion for all students
Policy Objective 4: To build institutional and human capacity at all levels of the government to facilitate the implementation of education reforms.
Policy Objective 5: To strengthen the system and review policies in all subsectors
Policy Objective 6: To increase funding for general education to support the implementation of the Education Sector Strategic Plan.
Policy Objective 7: To monitor and evaluate the implementation of the ESSP.
A rationale is provided regarding the selection of this policy priority followed by an outline of key strategies listed below that are geared to address specific determinants. These priorities and strategies are further detailed in specific subsector priorities and strategies as relevant.

To increase and expand access to education

Strategies to achieve the Policy Objective 1

  • Construct, expand and rehabilitate more schools and temporary learning centers
  • Promote early childhood development
  • Provide access to education for ABE,
  • Reduce the dropout rates:
  • Promote access to education for children in hard to reach areas
  • Provide access lifelong learning: TVET, Higher Education and Education in Emergencies
  • Implement advocacy programs to increase access

To improve the quality of learning outcomes.

Strategies to achieve the Policy Objective 2:

  • Revision of the Curriculum Framework
  • Develop and produce Textbook and learning materials based on a revised curriculum framework
  • Improve Academic Achievement/learning outcomes:
  • Teacher training, development, and management
  • Improving the quality of workplace environment for teachers:

To promote equity and inclusion for all students

Strategies to achieve the Policy Objective 3

  • Expand education opportunities to girls’ education and promote gender equality throughout the education system.
  • Facilitate access to learning for pupils with special educational needs.
  • Facilitate learning for children in emergencies.
  • Provide alternative and accelerated learning opportunities for out-of-school children and youth.
  • Expand education opportunities for nomadic pastoralist students and children in hard-to-reach areas.
  • Promote and expand livelihood opportunities for out-of-school students

To build institutional and human capacity at all levels of the education ministry to facilitate implementation of education reforms

Strategies to achieve the Policy Objective 4:

  • Increase the capacity of educational managers
  • Strengthen leadership and management systems
  • Improve the technical capacities of Ministry officials to support quality education
  • Improve the Monitoring and Evaluation skills
  • Improve coordination between the Ministry and implementing partners:

To strengthen the system and review policies in all subsectors

Strategies to achieve the Policy Objective: 5

  • Review/Develop and finalize policies in all subsectors
  • Finalize and/or develop regulatory frameworks that strengthen the function of the system in general
  • Support a decentralized system of basic services with local municipalities
  • Identify the training and development needs of staff in the implementation of subsector policies. 6. Improve ESC coordination mechanisms

To increase funding for general education to support the implementation of the Somaliland Education Sector Strategic Plan 2017-2021

Strategies to achieve the Policy Objective 6:

  • To increase funding for general education from government sources and other financial resources
  • To increase funding for general education from donor sources