Inclusive Education

The Ministry formed a separate department responsible for ‘’Inclusive Education’’, which means provision of equal participation of education for all children without discrimination on grounds of race, ethnicity, gender, disability, social status, etc. The mandate of the department of ‘’Inclusive Education’’ is ‘’to promote, safeguard and ensure full and equal participation of all children in education, providing support to all children including children with special needs, girls and other marginalized children to ensure that they are not excluded in educational opportunities.’’ However, during the period the Inclusive Department implemented many tasks that mainly improve retention. The following are the main activities:

Key Functions of Department and Sections

  • Report to the DG of the MoEs/ where appropriate to the Minister/Vice-Minister
  • Assume the overall responsibility of the management of the department
  • Prepare the departmental priorities and activities with the collaboration of education partners and other stakeholders.
  • Develop yearly work plan and budgeting
  • Develop Quarterly Work Plan in line with ESSP.
  • Develop and formulate a departmental strategy in line with ESSP
  • Supervise the section heads and provide support to them where appropriate
  • Carry out Quarterly Performance Assessments on the head section, and produce a PA report of each head section with recommendations for areas of performance improvement.
  • Keep records of details of section heads (personal information, education levels, pay, performance reports, and attendance/sickness/leave records)
  • Approve leave/sick notes of section heads/ Approve requisitions for procurements/ Approve requisitions for payments/timesheets
  • Hold weekly meetings with the section head and participate in the bi-weekly meetings of the Direct
  • Preparation of Quarterly Reports on the activities of the department
  • He/she can do the other duties delegated by the director of the department and MoEs officials.

Gender Balance Section

  • Create awareness and advocacy to promote female participation and retention in education
  • Overall responsibility of SL Gender Issues.
  • Create girl’s friendly education environment
  • Ensure the recruitment of more female teachers and head teachers for the schools and for the other departments in the ministry.
  • Facilitate pre-service and in-service and university-level training for the female teachers
  • Promote girls' school enrollment in both primary and secondary education
  • Support the development and implementation of the national gender policy for education and gender mainstreaming topics
  • Support the acquisition of scholarships for girls going or in the universities
  • Support job creation for the girl’s graduates
  • Manage special needs programs
  • Closely work with the other departments of the ministry of education and higher studies
  • To rectify gender policy and strategy
  • He/she can do other duties delegated by the Director of the department and MoEs officials.

Special Needs Education Section

  • Establishment section strategies and policies that guide its operations
  • Support development curriculum and guidelines for special needs education
  • Enforcement/promotion of the need for equal access and inclusion of persons with special educational needs and training programs at all levels.
  • Intensify monitoring, supervision and quality control in all schools to ensure that children with special educational needs are provided for without discrimination.
  • Ensure the provision of learning and teaching materials in accessible formats
  • Training sign language and braille translators
  • Awareness raising campaign regarding special needs students
  • Implement Special Needs Guidelines
  • Support setting Special Needs exams
  • Mapping Special Needs schools and profiling
  • Provision of sign language where appropriate
  • He/she can do other duties delegated by the Director of the department and MoEs officials.

Rural Education Section

  • Overall responsibility of SL Rural Education
  • Improvement of accessibility the Rural education/schools
  • To increase the student enrolments of SL Rural Education
  • Time management – especially in rural areas
  • Assessment of all rural school areas
  • He/she can do other duties delegated by the Director of the department and MoEs officials.

Tuition Support & Scholarships

  • Identify the most needed students including special needs, orphans, marginalized students etc.
  • Harmonization of school scholarships from different International organizations and government
  • Assessment for scholarships
  • Developed inclusive strategy – section for Tuition and Scholarships
  • Tuition for marginalized students
  • Identify the health and nutrition issues with the collaboration of the Well-being Department
  • He/she can do other duties delegated by the Director of the department and MoEs officials.